I would like to welcome you to my all new home on the web! I am looking forward to sharing my gaming world with each and every one of you! Gaming consumes a large percentage of what “free” time that I have. If I am not playing, I am reading about games…researching games…watching videos about games!
I plan on sharing my gaming experiences, rants and raves, and any news that I might happen across. My main goal, however, is to share the fun! If there are any topics that you would like me to cover, please let me know! I will do my best to share my thoughts, feelings, and knowledge on the topic…but it has to be gaming related.
A bit about me; I am primarily a console gamer…a Playstation console gamer. From time to time, I also get absorbed into a PC game but that isn’t very common (of course, the exceptions would be my facebook games like Candy Crush, Bejeweled Blitz, and Angry Birds Friends). At the moment, I primarily play Call of Duty: Black Ops II and Grand Theft Auto V…although I am super excited about the Call of Duty Ghosts release in just under 2 weeks! I have my copy ordered, do you?
You can check out my YouTube channels, g33z3r_hd for gaming content and jrwfl for my general, non-game related, videos. You can find me playing on the Playstation Network with the gamer tags of kjtw73 or g33z3r_hd.
What do you want to talk about? I am going to do my best to update this blog daily. Look for at least one gaming video a week…
Cheers for now!!