Yup, I have heard the news because…well…it is old news at this point. Microsoft bought Mojang.
What do I think of it? Well, this is it; we shall see what happens. There is no sense in stressing out about what could, or could not, happen – what may or may not change. There is nothing that we can do about the transaction, so we are kind of just along for the ride. I absolutely hope, and dream, that Microsoft will treat Minecraft with the respect it deserves and pay it the attention that it requires. The Minecraft community has made the game what it is and, without that community, the game would be nothing.
Here is the way that I see it, if you must really know. Microsoft is going to do everything in its power to maintain the level of satisfaction that currently exists within the MC community. The reason is simple; Minecraft purchased a user database, not a game or company. There are nearly 50 million registered users of Minecraft ranging the spectrum in age. Many are within the target demographic that Microsoft goes after for their products while many others are yet to reach that marketing base…but they will reach it soon!
So, do I think that Microsoft is going to kill Minecraft? No…well, at least I hope they don’t. Honestly though, I don’t think they will. Will things change? Maybe, maybe not. The long and short of it is that we will have to wait and see…and keep our fingers and toes crossed that they will do the right thing, as they have publicly said they are going to do!