g33z3r, where have you been?
I am getting asked this a lot lately, and, to be honest, I just haven’t been here.
With the decline in the channel, I decided to put streaming on the back burner and not stress myself out worrying about it. Honestly, even though I haven’t been streaming much, I have been thinking about it a LOT and what I can do to provide unique and entertaining content. I want each and every viewer to have fun in our community and I want that for myself as well. I know that, if I am not having fun…nobody is! So, that is where my mind is at.
On top of the declining stream numbers, I have just had a lot going on in my life. I am trying really hard to get myself straightened away and get myself to a point where I am happy…it is a VERY hard task. I have been focusing on spending more time with friends IRL and just trying to get out of the house more often (Pokemon GO has helped a lot but I am starting to get tired of it tbh). I plan to focus more on my health (I have actually been taking my bp medication again) as well. That is almost as hard for me…shit, I just realized I forgot to take my pills this morning o.O
Anyhow, I am going to make a full return at some point…when the time is right. In the meantime, I will stream occasionally when I get the overwhelming urge to do so. If you have ideas for a unique and entertaining stream, I would love to hear them! Please let me know!
I will be live TONIGHT starting around 7pm Eastern time. See you there! twitch.tv/g33z3r_hd